James Martin, REALTOR®

James Martin
CENTURY 21 Pinnacle
267736 KY

As a dedicated Realtor in Central Kentucky, I specialize in assisting veterans with their real estate needs and helping investors grow their portfolios. With a strong background in contract negotiations, I bring a unique perspective and expertise to the market.

Let’s connect and explore how I can assist you in achieving your real estate goals in Central Kentucky.

Veteran Owned & Operated.

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Sample Mortgage Rates

For 2/07/2025

30 Year Fixed
15 Year Fixed
7/6 ARM

For general informational purposes only. Actual rates available to you will depend on many factors including lender, income, credit, location, and property value. Contact a mortgage broker to find out what programs are available to you.

Mortgage calculator estimates are provided by CENTURY 21 Real Estate LLC and are intended for information use only. Your payments may be higher or lower and all loans are subject to credit approval.

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